Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ready...for anything

Tomorrow will mark day 1 of the Slim for Summer Body Transformation Challenge, my food is weighed and measured, packed and ready to go. My emotions are varied as I embark on this journey to a healthier more fit lifestyle, they range from nervous and anxious to excitement. The guidelines set in front of me are strict and to the "T". No cheating no excuses! One thing that I know will get me through to tomorrow... I am ready!
I am ready to make the neccessary changes in my dietary habits as well as my physical appearance to make me feel better, look better and live an all together more balanced happy life. I am ready to push myself beyond what I think my limits are. Ready to embrace the fact that where I am right now is not where I have to stay. And ready to let go of my past failures and turn them into positive building blocks of the habits I will not revert back to for instant gratification.


1 comment:

  1. Rock on Sarge! You got this! The biggest challenge is making the decision to change. Love you! XoX
